You’ve got a ton of content ideas but knowing what to post and when is confusing! How often should you talk about yourself? Your services? All of the knowledge that you have? It all feels like a mess and pulling it all into a cohesive plan is eluding you.
What to do when you have too many content ideas
1. Download your brain
With 100s of ideas bouncing around your brain, like an out of control pinball machine, you don’t have a hope of making any sense of them. Let’s start by getting all of those ideas out of your brain and free up your mental capacity.
Where do you do your download? Wherever feels most natural to you.
- A notebook.
- A project management tool like Asana.
- A document.
Don’t try and order anything at this stage. Instead set a time and get those ideas out of your brain.
2. What are your clients’ problems?
Now that you’ve got all of the ideas out of your brain we can start to organise them. I like to do this based on the main problems that your ideal client have.
Write down the 3 or 4 main problems that your clients deal with. Be sure to use their language and be specific. Don’t just write down “Confidence”, instead write “You find it hard to speak up in work meetings and have your ideas heard”.
By being specific you’ll be able to organise your content more easily.
3. Match ideas to problems
The next step is to match your downloaded ideas to your clients’ problems.
Core content – which of your ideas has enough substance for a blog post, video or podcast on one of the problem areas? If you’ve used a notebook for your ideas then make a note beside the idea.
If you’ve used a document or Asana you can create a new section and move those ideas into that section.
Social media – which of your ideas would work for a short post on social media. Do you have any tips or questions that could work well here?
Which of your ideas would work for a longer post or for a live video?
Left over – what ideas are left over? Are they actually content ideas or are they part of your process or marketing for your services?
They might also be un-niched ideas that could still work if you tailored them to the specific problems of your clients.
As you go down this list make a note of the type of idea, or move it into a new section.
Having too many ideas isn’t the problem. Storing them all in your brain and expecting them to make sense is. That’s why it’s key to have a system to capture and organise all of your ideas. With a little bit of structure to support your creativity it will become much easier to create content.
Ready to create a content management system that is tailored to the needs of your clients and will support your creativity? Book in a free call with me. I’m a total systems geek and I’d be happy to talk to you about systemising your business.