Follow up, sometimes called a lead management system, is the best system to make money yet there are common follow up mistakes that I see business owners making. It’s so easy to let our follow up of potential clients slide, which means we miss out on the chance to...
Lead gen. It’s one of those phrases you hear a lot and one that makes me cringe (more on that in a moment!). There are five common lead generation mistakes that I see business owners making, and that I’ve made my fair share of too. By highlighting these mistakes...
Do you have a follow up system in place? Or are you scrambling to follow up with people in your business? Potential clients, past clients who might want to work with you again, people who might refer your services, or that inspiring woman that you met at a conference...
wiHave you got the follow up blues? You want to follow up with potential clients but where do you even start? Today I’m sharing seven tips to make following up easy. 1. Tame Your Mind Given how much I talk about systems you might be wondering why I’m starting...
Let’s make following up easy! I’m always looking for ways to save time in my business. I do this when I’m following up potential clients by creating templates for myself. It’s important when using templates (and systems for that matter) to not remove...
Do you talk yourself out of following up with people because you’ve left it too long, and now it would be embarrassing? Today I’m sharing 3 ways to ditch negativity when following up. You meant to follow up but then you got busy. And you weren’t quite sure what...
Have you delayed following up with contacts for months? Potential clients, past clients, podcast interview opportunities, guest post opportunities. The list goes on. You MEANT to contact people but then you got busy. And, if you’re being honest you weren’t...
Do you feel that you’re losing track of the important people in your business? Potential clients, past clients who might want to work with you again, people who might refer your services? Would you like to have a simple client follow up system so you contact...
Have you put off marketing your business because you’re feeling like you’re bugging people? I know I have and so have my clients. The funny thing is that I’ve yet to speak to a business owner who had thought that and had actually been spamming...