Looking Back on 2016 – A Year Of Change

Looking Back on 2016 – A Year Of Change

The years are flying by. Writing a post like this allows me to step back and reflect on what I’ve accomplished over the year.   This year has seen massive change for me.   Bye – bye Possessions   I knew at the start of 2016 that I’d be leaving New...
How I lost my creativity (and found it again in a cake)

How I lost my creativity (and found it again in a cake)

She sits at the desk in her sleek concrete and glass office. Taking a moment to massage her temples she notices that night has fallen. “So much to do” she signs. She knows she won’t be going home anytime soon. Clicking the mouse she opens up a new clock to start...
My round up of 2015: Dancing, Dogs & Other Delights

My round up of 2015: Dancing, Dogs & Other Delights

I’ve made it a habit to reflect on my past year so that I consider what worked, what didn’t work and what I’d like to bring with me into the New Year. For me 2015 was a bumpy ride that had many delights, and a fair few disappointments! Come along and relive the year...
7 lessons I learned at the Tarawera Ultramarathon

7 lessons I learned at the Tarawera Ultramarathon

Now before you think that I’ve become a running legend overnight I wanted to be clear that I was volunteering at this event. Inspired by friends who run these events I wanted to see one up close and the Tarawera Ultramarathon provided just the experience I was after....

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