Last night I was asked a question that stopped me in my tracks. “What would happen if you were a little bit braver?” What a question it was! I knew right away that it had touched something in me that I needed to explore and share with you. For a...
This post was republished with permission from Tiny Buddha. It’s the second article that I’ve written for them. I wrote this set of decluttering tips while packing up my world to come away on my current Latin American adventures. “To change...
White sand beaches. A shimmering turquoise sea. A warm breeze that glides over your skin. These are the stuff of dreams for those wanting to live a laptop lifestyle. Yet they fail to mention that sand and keyboards don’t mix and that your internet connection only...
It sounded so simple, “Do more of the things that you love”. This was the advice of my business coach when I mentioned that I was having doubts about the direction of my business. My initial reaction was strong resistance. My logical brain wanted to take action on my...
I’ve been away from New Zealand for what feels like years. Yet it’s only been 5 months. 5 months of living in countries with cultures vastly different to my own. 5 months of travelling to 5 countries within SE Asia. 5 months of highs and lows that have altered how I...
Continuing on with the Happiness at Work Telesummit interviews my next review is on Richard Nugent. He is a top coach and trainer to Chief Executives, Olympic Athletes and Hollywood business leaders at Kaizen training. His obsession for helping the influential in...
Dr. Sharp has three degrees in psychology and an impressive record as an academic, clinician and coach. He runs one of Sydney’s largest clinical psychology practices and a highly regarded Executive Coaching practice. Dr. Sharp is the founder and Chief Happiness...
Alex Kjerulf is one of the world’s leading experts on happiness at work. He is a speaker, consultant and author, presenting and conducting workshops on happiness at work at businesses and conferences all over the world. His previous clients include companies like...
I was especially looking forward to listening to Valerie’s interview as I have been a subscriber to her Changing Course newsletter for a couple of months. I’ve always found her newsletters to be insightful and inspiring. Valerie Young is an expert on “Outside...
I’m currently reading “NLP At Work – The difference that makes a difference in Business” which Sue wrote so I was looking forward to hearing her thoughts on Happiness At Work. Sue Knight is an international consultant and author, pioneering the use of...