You’ve got big plans for your business.


Yet the everyday tasks take up so much time you’re left scrambling.


And that to-do list? It keeps getting longer and longer!

It’s not you, it’s the systems within your business that aren’t doing their job (or haven’t been created yet).

It’s time to set your business up in a way that helps you achieve your goals easily and reduces the overwhelm.

Let’s work together

Organise & Declutter.

Consistent Content.

Let’s Implement!

Love Your Clients.

Your digital files are so well organised you’ll want to show all your friends.

Say goodbye to an overflowing inbox and never miss an important email again.

Andrea Jordan

Easily create and share content that resonates with your audience. 

Fall in love with your marketing again!


Andrea Jordan Fun

Great at planning, but find implementing hard? Systems (aka processes) are your new best friend.

They give you back time & ensure nothing is forgotten.

Andrea Jordan

Welcome, manage, and farewell your clients with ease.

Low admin systems, that set your clients up for success, are what you need.

1:1 packages start from AUD$675.   Two hour file organisation or inbox management sessions are AUD$375 each.

What makes Andrea Jordan a great business strategist? Let me count the ways.

Number one: she is a fantastic finisher. For someone like me who is always starting something and coming up with new ideas, having someone like Andrea hold me accountable to completing the tasks essential to achieving my business goals is priceless. In short, she keeps her clients on track.

Number two: she listens between the lines and helps pinpoint that thing you couldn’t quite figure out on your own, giving way to accelerated forward progress and breakthroughs.

And number three: she understands systems and how they work for those of us building our micro empires. She points out small tweaks to make in the big ecosystem of your business that make a difference and again, facilitate forward progress.

Hiring Andrea as my business strategist is one of the best decisions I’ve made in my business this year! I absolutely love working with her.

Mary Lou Kayser

Writer, Speaker, Podcaster, Coach


What if I’m not an organised person?

You don’t need to be. That’s why you have me, to help you set up your business in a way that makes it work for you.

Do you offer payment plans?

Yes I do. I’m happy to discuss what will suit you.

Have you worked with people with ADHD?

Yes I have. Systems are going to be your new best friend! Before working together we’d discuss where your particular struggles are and what you might need from me on our calls.

What are your office hours?

Monday to Thursday, 9 to 5pm New Zealand time.

Will you make me buy expensive software?

No. I’ll work with any software tools you already have. I’m happy to offer suggestions if you’re looking to try something new.

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