is isn’t the blog post I planned to write today. I started writing about the key elements of content organisation. But I ran out of energy. I felt bored by what I was writing. I didn’t want to think about the ideal call to action. Instead, I wanted to tell you this…...
Have you ever come back from a holiday to find that you’ve lost your business inspiration? You look at your to-do list, and the stack of appointments in your diary, and feel demotivated and overwhelmed. What are you even in business for?! The same thing can happen...
How impressive is this?! A 114-week streak on the fitness app I use (it’s FitOn for the curious). That’s 26 months, or two years and two months, spent doing at least two workouts a week. It’s safe to say that consistency is not something I struggle with. Yet, I burned...
What do you do when you didn’t reach your goals? How do you dust yourself off and set new goals that you feel really positive about? I’ve had a difficult relationship with goals. When I was a corporate lawyer goals were something that you had to achieve or there were...
Have you put off marketing your business because you’re feeling like you’re bugging people? I know I have and so have my clients. The funny thing is that I’ve yet to speak to a business owner who had thought that and had actually been spamming...
Have you heard of a dream jar? I was introduced to the concept by Carrie Green, founder of The Female Entrepreneur Association. She uses her dream jar to get specific, and focus, on her goals. The idea is that you write down all of your dreams and goals on a...
You know exactly what you need to do in your business but somehow you never seem to get around to doing it. Something stops you from taking the action you need to. You hold yourself back and watch while your business goals fade away. I work with a number of...
What you focus on grows, what you think about expands, and what you dwell upon determines your destiny ~ Robin Sharma Written out your goals for 2017? Check. Designed a plan to make your goals happen? Check. Put 100% of your focus into taking...
You might think that a combination of strong will power, discipline and motivation is the key to success but the reality is somewhat different. It’s the tiny habits that you commit to that will have the greatest impact on whether you succeed or not. As a new...
Last night I was asked a question that stopped me in my tracks. “What would happen if you were a little bit braver?” What a question it was! I knew right away that it had touched something in me that I needed to explore and share with you. For a...