How To Predict Your Business Future With A Dream Jar

How To Predict Your Business Future With A Dream Jar

Have you heard of a dream jar? I was introduced to the concept by Carrie Green, founder of The Female Entrepreneur Association. She uses her dream jar to get specific, and focus, on her goals.   The idea is that you write down all of your dreams and goals on a...
What You Focus On Grows. Where Is Your Focus?

What You Focus On Grows. Where Is Your Focus?

What you focus on grows, what you think about expands, and what you dwell upon determines your destiny ~ Robin Sharma   Written out your goals for 2017? Check.   Designed a plan to make your goals happen? Check.   Put 100% of your focus into taking...
Why Habits (Not Goals) Are The Key To Success

Why Habits (Not Goals) Are The Key To Success

You might think that a combination of strong will power, discipline and motivation is the key to success but the reality is somewhat different. It’s the tiny habits that you commit to that will have the greatest impact on whether you succeed or not.   As a new...
What Would Happen If You Were A Little Bit Braver?

What Would Happen If You Were A Little Bit Braver?

Last night I was asked a question that stopped me in my tracks.   “What would happen if you were a little bit braver?”   What a question it was! I knew right away that it had touched something in me that I needed to explore and share with you.   For a...

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